Millie O'Brien Boxing Integrity Award awarded to Bobby Russo and Jose Ortiz

Photo Caption: Millie O'Brien (left) with two of her granddaughters
at a 2015 event. O'Brien, who the Millie O'Brien Boxing Integrity Award
is named after, passed away in May 2016.
Portland Boxing Club’s Head Coach Bobby Russo and Old School Boxing's Coach Jose Ortiz were awarded 2018 Millie O’Brien Boxing Integrity Awards at the Knock Out Cancer Boxing Night at the Windsor Recreation Center in Windsor, VT on April 21, 2018. The awards are given in memory of event promoter Bill O'Brien's mother, Millie O'Brien who passed away in May 2016. The awards are presented to coaches who demonstrate a high level of integrity in the sport. According to Bill O'Brien, "My mom always preached of integrity being the most important thing in life. Even the richest person would still have nothing if they didn't have good integrity. Bobby Russo and Jose Ortiz have always shown integrity at the highest level."